

约翰霍普金斯医学院 has built a reputation for excellence unsurpassed by any health care institution in the world. 各自领域的先锋, Johns Hopkins clinicians and scientists have been responsible for many of the last century's major discoveries and innovations in patient care and research. 因为我们的全球影响力, people from around the world come to Johns Hopkins confident they will receive the most comprehensive medical care available anywhere.

The story of Johns Hopkins is at its heart a story of philanthropy. 约翰霍普金斯医学院 owes its existence and continuing excellence to the generosity of private individuals. Philanthropy allows 约翰霍普金斯医学院 to continue its ongoing efforts as a leader in innovative and compassionate treatment, groundbreaking research and cutting-edge education.

Help us succeed with our goal to further the understanding of human heredity and genetic medicine, and use that knowledge to treat and prevent disease.

How Your Gift Supports the Institute of Genetic Medicine

The potential of genetic medicine has never been greater. 然而,尽管势头强劲, the future of genetics research not only at Johns Hopkins but throughout the nation is threatened. Federal research funding for genetic research, traditionally our primary source of support, has decreased at the same time scientific innovations have led to an ever-increasing demand for research grants nationwide.

Private philanthropy is our hope for the future

从种子基金到捐赠基金, gifts to underwrite the creative work of genetic scientists at Johns Hopkins will have a tremendous impact. Philanthropic support has never been more critically important than it is today nor has the potential return on investment been greater.


There are four ways to support the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine | 遗传医学系 through charitable giving: cash gifts, 匹配的礼物, 赠送贡品或礼物计划.


Gifts of all sizes help the Department of Genetic Medicine to continue our ongoing efforts as a leader in innovative and compassionate treatment, groundbreaking research and excellent surgical medical education. Gifts made with a check or credit card provide immediate support.

Contributions to the 遗传医学系 can be unrestricted and used where the need is greatest. Gifts can be designated to support a specific doctor. Gifts can also be made in memory of a loved one or to honor someone special in your life. Gifts can be made outright or pledged over a period of up to five years.


Many employers offer a matching gift program to their employees. For every dollar you donate to the Department of Genetic Medicine, your employer will match it either dollar for dollar, two dollars to one dollar or in more generous cases, 3美元兑换1美元. All you need is a Matching Gift Form from your employer’s public affairs department. Complete the section designated for employees, and mail the form to us. We will take care of all the other details and paperwork.


There are many opportunities to commemorate family members, 朋友或同事过生日, 纪念日或其他特殊场合. Gifts can be made to the Department of Genetic Medicine in honor of a special physician, 例如, who has played a significant role in your health. These gifts are greatly appreciated by the people being honored and their families. A gift made to the Department of Genetic Medicine in memory of a person who has passed away is a special way to honor a beloved friend or family member. Such a gift creates a legacy and memorializes the person by providing direct support to the department.


Gift planning allows our donors to thoughtfully choose ways of giving that meet their needs, as well as the needs of the Department of Genetic Medicine. A development director from the Office of 礼物规划 can provide you with information on effective charitable planning options so that you can achieve optimum tax, 财务和慈善成果.


你可以捐款 在线,通过邮件或电话 410-502-1876.


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