Our collaborative team of scientists, 医生和专职卫生工作者专门将在实验室学到的科学知识转化为特殊的临床护理. 我们的中心在胰腺癌的诊断和治疗方面处于世界领先地位, leading all institutions in novel therapies, 创新的临床试验和培养下一代胰腺癌专家.

Request an Appointment: 410-933-7262

  • Our Experts

    我们国际公认的项目拥有世界领先的专家. 约翰霍普金斯金梅尔癌症中心可以为胰腺癌做任何事情.

    Dr. Elizabeth Jaffe in a lab coat.
  • Pioneering Research


  • Clinical Trials

    临床试验是癌症科学成为癌症医学的途径. Our experts excel at this type of bench-to-bedside discovery, and it is what ensures continued progress against cancer.

  • News

    浏览有关胰腺癌治疗及研究发现的最新消息, read our news magazine Pancreatic Cancer Matters.

    Dr. Jaffee and Dr. Yarchoan at AACR

Proper Nutrition for a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis


Pancreatic Cancer Prevention | Lana's Story

拉娜·勃兰特有强烈的胰腺癌家族史. After experiencing several bouts of pancreatitis, 她得知自己携带了一种基因突变,增加了患胰腺癌的风险. As a means of pancreatic cancer prevention, 约翰霍普金斯大学的专家使用微创技术切除了她的胰腺和脾脏. 然后,他们进行了自体胰岛细胞移植,以帮助她的身体在手术后继续产生胰岛素.

Latest Advancements in Pancreatic Cancer Treatments

当谈到胰腺癌时,治疗选择可能会感到有限. Join Johns Hopkins pancreatic cancer experts Dr. Jin He and Dr. 雷峥在现场互动网络研讨会上讨论了机器人和微创手术技术的最新方法, surgical options for metastatic disease, new clinical trials, immunotherapy, and options for unresectable tumors. Presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center has locations in Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

Our appointment specialists will answer your questions, 收集预注册所需的必要信息, and schedule an appointment. 请理解,我们无法通过电话、互联网或邮件提供医疗建议.

Information Needed When Making An Appointment

Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump

胰腺外科医生Kelly Lafaro回答有关肝动脉灌注泵的问题. Questions include: What is a Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump? Are there benefits over chemotherapy? Can you explain the process for treatment? What is unique about the care for this at Johns Hopkins?

在一天的访问中,所有类型的胰腺癌患者——从早期到晚期的第四期癌症——都接受了全面的评估, involving all the resources available for the education, diagnosis, treatment and research of pancreatic cancer. Whether are patients traveling from around the corner,  across the country or around the world, our team  ensures the best and most advanced care,  but also the most efficient care.

对一些人来说,治疗是基于发病时的分子标记. Other patients may receive standard of care, and if the treatment stops working or the cancer comes back, we can use molecular testing, imaging and all available tools to devise a new approach. In some cases, we’re making inoperable cancers operable.

What to Expect

门诊的每一天都围绕着每位患者的独特需求. 我们要求患者收集医疗记录——任何与他们当前状况相关的记录——并在预约前至少三到四天发送给我们的诊所协调员.

The Next Generation of Pancreatic Cancer Pioneers

我们的中心吸引了最有成就的年轻研究者,他们对胰腺癌的研究和治疗感兴趣. Training side-by-side with established investigators, 我们年轻的研究人员正在推动科学发展,为患者带来急需的新疗法.

Charitable Giving
